Thursday, 5 December 2013

A demon called drug abuse (part 2.)

Its so infuriating to see so many people you love falling victim to this disease. Sometimes it's so bad that you just give up on helping them. I know what that's like.Many of my dear friends has fallen victim to this, the worst thing about it is they are in denial.

Its like having a split personality, the one moment they fine, normal, laughing and smiling, then the next minute they restless looking for a way to get their next fix. Not caring who they hurt or what they do. its like being possessed, they try so many tactics, lying all the time , minipulating those closest to them. putting others on guilt trips and blaming the whole world except themselves.
No,  I am not a recovering drug addict. But I was a bystander more than once and its painful to see the people you love devour themselves like that.
they'll say " you don't know how hard it is to stay sober, you not doing it!" well i do know how it is to put up with it and I think thats even harder.

Look at the mother who killed her son because of his addiction a few years ago. Nobody knew what trauma she had to go through everyday,This is only opinion, Imagine your son coming in one day and forcing himself on you, its disturbing right! Or your addicted child Stealing everything you have worked so hard for through the years, till you have absolutely
nothing left. Its heartbreaking really.

There are those that wants out of this hell but has no idea how to go about it. I wonder their would ever come a day when this epidemic was just a nightmare, where these things dont exist.
If you know someone or you yourself needs help, this is the directory to most of the rehab centres in South Africa.

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