Saturday, 30 November 2013

A demon called drug abuse

In South Africa alone statistics show that 1 out of 5 people are addicted to a drug and 1 out of 3 teens has administered atleast once. Its a frightening fact that this country is losing war against drugs, infact most crimes are drug related , I think its safe to say that our country is on tje road to destruction unless someone can come up with a full proof plan to destroy this epidemic before it destroys us.

What is drug abuse? Well, let me define it; It is the self- administration of any narcotics, sedatives, stimulants, hallucinogens and similar substances to the point they cannot function without it, so they become a danger to themselves and society. Research shows that there are many causes for the abuse of drugs which includes; peer pressure (the need to fit in with the crowd) ,feelings of rebellion, boredom or emotional problems such as anxiety and deppression.

Teens tend to use to experience "highs" or "kicks" as it is called, to be accepted in their groups and also curiosity. They also use to lessen the impulses that begins at teenage years and we all know how much we think as teens,the trust issues that most teens have. Adults tend to use to relieve the stress of everyday life, relieve the sense of personal failure and frustration. It affects all kinds of people and because it is illegal, it is very difficult to establish the amount of drugs circling our societies. All that is known is the supply is becoming more and more plentiful.

Did you know that approximately 90% of people worldwide have tried marijuana (dagga,dope) atleast once in thier lives?

In South Africa , the most used drugs are marijuana, i ( crystal meth,tik) , mandrax ( mixed with dagga), wunga ( a mixture of anti retro virals and heroine).

Some drugs such as amphetamines and cocaine, stimulate the central nervous system ; others, such as the narcotics and barbiturates depress the action of the brain, increasingly larger amounts must be taken to achieve the same effect, which is called tolerance, after using drugs increasingly the body becomes dependant physically and psychologically, it becomes a necessity for its emotional effect. It becomes an incurable disease that affects not only the abuser but their surroundings aswell. Yes I said incurable,  many people learn how to manage this disease and the cravings but temptation could come at any time.

I take my hat off to those who found the strength to resist temptation and change their lives, cause it is not an easy task.
Just remember if you are an addict or know someone who is , if you or they want help, their are places that can help you.

Our society is being abolished by this demon,Everyday I see youngsters,even adults that are addicted and its a real tragedy. Is this a losing battle, Or is there hope?

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